Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Last Friday's 8.1 Test for Eighth Grade

1. The Proclamation of 1763 did not do what?
a. limit movement of colonials
b. leave British troops in colonies
c. force colonists to house British troops
d. attempt to keep colonials near coastal ports

2. What is quartering?
a. forced provisions of food and housing for British troops
b. taxes on imported goods, such as paper, glass, lead
c. no taxation without representation
d. a network of communication and information for colonial resistance

3. When did the Boston Massacre happen?
a. 1763
b. 1776
c. 1770
d. 1767

4. What law raised the real price of rum and molasses in the colonies?
a. Townsend Acts
b. Stamp Act
c. Sugar Act
d. Proclamation of 1753

5. How did colonists react to the Stamp Act?
a. work strike
b. boycott
c. destroying British property
d. declaring independence

6. On what principle did colonials resist new British taxes?
a. the right to tax without representation
b. ‘no taxation without representation’
c. the committees of correspondence
d. no right to move west of Appalachians

7. What plan for colonial cooperation was vetoed by the British during the French and Indian War?
a. the committees of correspondence
b. Treaty of Paris of 1763
c. Magna Carta
d. Albany Plan of Union

8. What did the French and British fight over, in the French and Indian War?
a. land claims, especially in the Ohio River area
b. access to the Pacific Ocean
c. gold and silver mines
d. what religion the colonies would be

9. What act reaffirmed the British ‘right’ to tax the colonies and to make decisions for them, ‘in all cases’?
a. Townsend Acts
b. Stamp Act
c. Declaratory Act
d. Gaspee Act

10. Great Awakening sermons aimed at what?
a. dramatic response from listeners
b. political resistance to British
c. listeners joining the Catholic church
d. colonists going back to England

11. Name a prominent preacher in the colonial Great Awakening: ______________________________
12. What colony was founded by William Penn? ________________________
13. What colony was founded by Puritans, seeking to practice their own religion?___________________
14. What document protected Catholic rights in Maryland?______________________________
15. What early colonial document had no mention of the King?______________________________
16. What was Virginia’s House of Burgesses?______________________________
17. What document protected the rights of English citizens to bear arms, to hold free elections, and to petition the King?______________________________
18. The importance of the Magna Carta was that a document could limit what? ______________________________
19. Which colonial region became the center of resistance to the British? ______________________________
20. Which colonial region was the most diverse culturally and religiously? ______________________________
21. Great Awakening sermons taught that listeners had the responsibility to do what two things?______________________________
22. How many colonials died in the Boston Massacre? ______________________________
23. What fort was built by Washington during the French and Indian War? ______________________________
24. What famous sermon was preached by Jonathan Edwards? ______________________________

25. What three lessons did George Washington take from the French and Indian War? ______________________________

26. Describe the themes of the Great Awakening.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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