Friday, February 24, 2012

Eighth Grade Work

We continued today to work on 11-3, all Reading Checks and Section Review questions one through five, and on 11-4, all Reading Checks and Section Review questions one through five.

We also took notes on California and Utah. Get those from a classmate if you do not have them.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Seventh Grade Renaissance Art Presentation

You will present this on Friday.

Go to this site (or another Renaissance art site, if you prefer)

On the Artchive site, you should see a list of Renaissance artists. Browse through the artists and click a few of their linked pictures (should be under Image List on each artist page.) Once you find a piece of art you like, send me the name and the artist's name quickly. You need my approval.

On Friday, you will introduce the work of art you chose to the class. Tell us the name of the work, who created it, when and where it was created, the subject or topic of the work, and why you chose it. To get an A on this, you need to discuss using the terms I have talked about in class (perspective, vanishing point, chiaroscuro, realism, etc.)

Mexican-American War

Mexican-American War

Manifest Destiny - national belief that the United States should expand to claim and settle land all the way to the Pacific

James K Polk campaigned on idea of expansion, including annexation of Texas and expansion into Oregon Territory

Outgoing President John Tyler annexes Texas on last day of his presidency

After Polk’s election, John Slidell is sent to Mexico to negotiate purchase of California and New Mexico. He is authorized to offer 30 million dollars but is rejected without a meeting.

Polk tells General Zachary Taylor to station troops in contested area between Nueces River and Rio Grande (Nueces was border according to Mexico, and Rio Grande was border according to US). His troops are fired upon in month of  April 1846 and President Polk asks Congress for Declaration of War in May of 1846

Americans overwhelmingly support the War, with exception of abolitionists and some Whigs

General Stephen Watts Kearney led forces into California and New Mexico while General Taylor pushed to Mexico City.

In June 1846, John C Frémont proclaimed California as Republic of California -- unaware of war with Mexico. American troops land and claim California shortly thereafter.

By September 1847, General Winfield Scott had captured Mexico City and the war was over.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo settled claims. Mexico ceded California and New Mexico for 15 million dollars.

War only inflamed controversy over expansion of slavery, with competing proposals to address the issue: Wilmot Proviso proposed forbidding slavery in new territories. The bill was rejected.

Eighth Grade Work on Mexican-American War

I will be posting today's notes later today.

Remember that tomorrow your timeline questions are due. Go to this site and scroll through the three different timelines (make sure to scroll to the end on each timeline): Before The War, War Years, and After The War. You need to create five questions for each timeline.

I will collect this first thing tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More Questions and Clarification on Castle Project

Remember that you need to define every term in Step Two.

You need to have at least ten of those terms labelled on your castle model.

Your castle needs to be able to fit inside my classroom!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Manifest Destiny Interview Project

In your pairs, you need to write and either record or perform an interview of your historical person associated with the era of Manifest Destiny (approximately 1830s to 1840s) with the following criteria:

-- Written script
-- Two minutes (points off for every fifteen seconds plus or minus)
-- Interview needs to center on their role in the period of the 1830s and 1840s
-- Question and Answer interview format
-- Think of how interviewers ask questions to get information from their subjects
-- One partner will be interviewer and one will be historical person
-- Interview can be recorded as a "radio interview" using Garageband or performed live

Monday, February 6, 2012

Castle Project: To Begin!

Castle Project
For this project you will be building a castle and assembling a folder with documents related to your castle.

To begin: go to this webpage and read the portion on ‘The Task.’ Although it says you can do a video, you must do a physical model castle, not just a video. Continue reading the rest of the page.

What Belongs In Your Folder?

Title Page (with your name, your teacher’s name, date assignment is due, class name, and name of your castle)
Typed questions and answers from ‘Step One - Daily Life’
Typed Glossary of Castle Terms from ‘Step Two - The Baron's Castle Specifications’
Typed page of Castle Features and Defenses (What does your castle have? Did you get the idea from other castles? What kind of defenses did you choose? Why?)
Blueprint of your castle with terms marked and noted (e.g., buttress, outer curtain, gate house, etc.)
Typed Reflection (full page based on Reflection questions)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Notes for Eighth Grade on Texas and Independence

Notes for Eighth Grade

Six national flags have flown over Texas in its history: _______, _______, _______, _______ of _______, the _______ _______ of _______, and the _______ _______ of _______

1821 - Americans are recruited to _______ _______ and Mexico wins freedom from Spain
_______ _______ moves to Texas and recruits 300 American families to join him
1830 - Americans outnumber Mexicans in Texas - Mexico issues decree stopping all _______ from _______ and _______ _______ _______
American Texans, called _______, began to feel frustration. They also worried that Mexico would _______ _______ in Texas, but disagreed on how to respond.
1833 - Mexican President _______ _______ _______ removed ban on immigration
1835 - Santa Anna _______ Mexican constitution and became _______ - tensions grew for Texians and more and more wanted _______
October - Mexican Army came to Gonzales, TX to _______ _______ in the town. Texians flew a flag reading, ‘_______ _______ _______ _______’ -- Texians won battle -- first battle of War for Texian Independence
Texians put out call for volunteers - _______ _______ moves to TX from Tennessee
December - Texians win Battle for San Antonio
February 1836 - Santa Anna himself marches into Texas into San Antonio to small fort called _______
Inside were approx. 160 soldiers led by _______ _______ and including _______ _______ and _______ _______ facing approx. _______ Mexican soldiers
Alamo was under siege for _______ days before it fell and every soldier was killed
During the siege, Texians published _______ _______ of _______ and _______ _______ was named commander-in-chief of Texian forces
March - Battle of Goliad - Texians surrendered to Mexican forces and over 300 Texians were executed
April - Battle of San Jacinto - Texians surprised Santa Anna, shouting “Remember the _______! Remember _______!” and captured Santa Anna
May - Santa Anna signs treaty recognizing Texan independence - _______ _______ is elected _______ of _______ of _______. He asks the USA to _______ Texas, but conflict over the addition of another _______ _______ prevents this until _______ under President _______