Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Million Words or Less"

Yes, parents, you have homework.

Please write something for me about your student. Tell me whatever you want me to know. These will be treated confidentially and only shared with your student's other teachers if you want to discuss something of a private nature. You can also share something fun about your student, or challenges they have faced in the past -- educationally or otherwise. You have no restrictions or requirements on what you share with me about your student.

And the 'million words' part? That would be around three thousand pages. You don't have to write that much! That's where the 'or less' part enters in. You can write me a simple sentence; you can write me a page or more. It's completely up to you. I hope you enjoy telling me about your student.

Please get this to me by next Monday.

1 comment:

  1. best homework assiment ever!!!!!!!!!
